Jenny Simonsen

Traffic Orchestration and Multimodal Traffic Management -board game to illustrate

Author: Dr Trine Marie Stene, Senior Scientist, SINTEF) 

This session comprised two parts. (1) Introduction including:  

  • Multimodal Traffic Management 
  • The concepts “Transport Demand Management” (TDM) and “Demand Capacity Balancing” (DCB)  
  • Measures regarding Traffic Orchestration 
  • Data sharing and management  
  • Resilience  
  • Network concepts, including “Zone” and “Governance Area” 

(2) Board Game prototype. The CoP workshop participants were split into groups and played the game. Five scenarios could be played: (1) Regular traffic with automated vehicles/ vessels, (2) Concerts in the city causing reduced traffic capacity, (3) Gas leakage in the industry Park zone, (4) Accidents at the ring road, (5) Airport train stops during rush hours.  

The game’s purpose was to create an understanding of Traffic Orchestration and get input for improving the prototype.